Travelling through time, personalities and ideas

A version of us is there, everywhere

Reality is delusional

Kallol Mazumdar
6 min readSep 26, 2023

“I am here, you are there, yet we are never together, maybe it's time to taste the elixir of life (Amrit), I am your elixir…..”

Kabir: Dude you okay?

Vishal: Yeah! I am. (Vishal yawns stretches his shoulders and opens his left eye) Is it morning yet?

Kabir: Yeah yesterday was kind of fun!

Vishal: I am telling you these project reports take life out of you.

Kabir: Man! I have never gone without sleeping for 72 hours. We need to run and submit our prototype to the selection committee before that we also need to inform Dr. Mathur and run this report through him.

Vishal and Kabir start running to college after putting on some clothes. In the midst, Kabir stops and asks Vishal.

Kabir: Dude why were you yelling in your sleep?

Vishal: Nothing! Just had a bad dream!

Kabir: Let's run, come on!

Vishal and Kabir parked their motorbike outside the college parking lot and both ran for Dr Mathur.

They showed their prototype to Dr. Mathur.

Dr Mathur: Did you guys do this?

Vishal: Yes sir!

Dr Mathur: Interesting! How did you do all the equations?

Vishal: Used the E=mc2, the same old way tactic to determine energy and hence the outcome of time loss on earth.

Dr Mathur: The formula is all over the place, the estimate values are wrong. You haven’t considered the momentum of an object. This is really shoddy work.

Vishal’s heart broke into pieces, while Kabir was slanting his face on the opposite side. Suddenly Vishal in seething rage tells Dr Mathur, “You know what sir, thank you for your suggestion but we are submitting this.”

Dr Mathur: Go and have a chat with the selection panel and see for yourself if your prototype gets submitted.

Vishal and Kabir were seated with the selection panel jury and were submitting their prototype. One of the jury members started laughing and asked, “Is this a joke?”

Raman sir: I am shocked at you Vishal, Do you think if you could solve mankind's mysteries by going to the future, the world powers wouldn’t have figured it out yet?

Vishal: Sir, everyone in the world agrees that this is possible, just that we do not have anything remotely reaching the speed of light.

Raman Sir, called Vishal And told him to come to his room while the other panellists were having fun with Kabir regarding their prototype plans.

Raman Sir: What is this Vishal? I cannot mark you on this. Do you think is this some science fiction class? No right! We need a working model that you need to submit ASAP.

Vishal: But sir! I am pretty sure we can make a supersonic vehicle through frugal technology to generate a speed equivalent to the speed of light.

Raman Sir: Vishal please get me something that is not fantasy, something which is working and practical for you to demonstrate. You wanted that seismic volcano illustration, right? Take that! You have already passed the deadline date but I will give you 1 week extension to submit a model that works.

Vishal: But sir, this could be revolutionary if we can demonstrate this model. I would request you to get behind on this.

Raman Sir: Vishal I don’t have time for jokes! Please do the needful, I have extended your deadline and after a week, I need your prototype on my desk.

Vishal drops his head and walks as if he is losing consciousness. Both Kabir and Vishal after taking their classes decided to go to their homes together.

Kabir: Now! Let us start with the Volcano then. Can you bring in any motor or do you have an idea to shake the volcanic surface?

Vishal: What about the time machine?

Kabir: We cannot do this, you heard Raman sir not allowing us to work on it.

Vishal: But it will be revolutionary.

Kabir: What’s the point of doing something that does not work bro?

Vishal suddenly yelled at Kabir, “Dude we will only and only do the time machine.”

Kabir: Come on chill buddy!

Vishal: Well I told you we will make a time machine.

Kabir: I am not sure about this. I do not want to make it.

Vishal: Are you nuts? we need to.

Kabir: But why?

Vishal: Why the hell do you ask so many questions? (Vishal yells frustratingly)

Kabir: What is up with you?

Vishal and Kabir were having this argument while going somewhere suddenly Vishal stops and tells Kabir, “We need to bring Radha back?”

Kabir: What? Are you insane? It's not possible.

Vishal: It is. I cannot forget her and the way she went away from all of us haunts me always.

Kabir: But how?

Vishal: I have a plan.

Vishal and Kabir run to Vishal’s home and while seated in Vishal’s room. Vishal’s opens his laptop connects it to the projector and starts showing something to Kabir.

Kabir: Dude what are you doing?

Vishal: Just wait!

Kabir: Let’s see what new crappy idea you are gonna show me. I am telling you Vishal let us make a volcano and be done with it.

Vishal: There are two ways to travel to the future, anything which travels at the speed of light. One is using subatomic particles to thrust acceleration and the other……..

Kabir: Other what?

Vishal: Soul Transmigration.

Kabir: What? Are you insane?

Kabir: I am out of here dude, you have lost your mind.

Vishal falls at Kabir’s feet and begs him to listen. Kabir eventually agreed and Vishal used his time to explain the model.

Kabir: Okay then I am all ears.

Vishal: To initiate subatomic particles you need beams and magnetic poles that could generate strong acceleration. For energy loss during the formation of a magnetic field, we need to let the beams pass through different stages of sturdiness. The impact and the particles will be so strong that they will travel at the speed or as people say 99.9% the speed of light.

Kabir: Isn’t the same mechanism that the large hydron collider uses?

Vishal: Yes.

Kabir: So you mean we need to build a much more powerful tool than the hydron collider?

Vishal: Yes.

Kabir: Shall we go with the 2nd option? The 2nd option sounds feasible than the first How many magnets will we need to generate that amount of energy?

Vishal: Yes an entire field built with magnets at many ends and subatomic particles travelling in the points.

Kabir: This is impractical that will make the vehicle heavy it will be like a big (a dirty word) plane or a cruise ship.

Vishal: Yes!

Kabir: Please tell me the other technique.

Vishal: We need to kill off Dr Mathur.

Kabir: What?

As Kabir was about to utter the next word, A bullet passed through Vishal’s chest rendering him unconscious at first. Kabir turns and in shock utters,

Kabir: Vishal! What the hell!

He sees another Vishal killing the present Vishal.

To be continued…

Do read the other parts here

Real or not

4 stories

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Kallol Mazumdar

Writing to unfurl and deconstruct the deceptive cover laid out on my gaze. Let the flow of ideas illuminate a part of me and a whole lot of you. 🌺🌻💐🍂🤺