Kallol MazumdarGoing Beyond the Grain: Character Understanding and narrative analysisWhat makes ‘you’ like ‘me’ will always make ‘me’ like ‘you’. If ‘you’ are not ‘you’ and ‘me’ not ‘me’ yet ‘we’ are related then does that…May 8, 202310May 8, 202310
Kallol MazumdarHands, Eyes borrowed, spleen taken for rent, heart mingled as usualThe paradox still remains, what if a man’s parts had to be distributed and will it end up working in same mannerMay 6, 20238May 6, 20238
InBlue InsightsbyKallol MazumdarSyncing of fates, meeting halfway, and departure…Part 2A woman of divided lines, fissures, and dangling in the rootless abyss.Apr 27, 20239Apr 27, 20239
InILLUMINATIONbyKallol MazumdarSyncing of fates, meeting halfway, and departure…Part 1A glass that was broken, splintered; pieced together added, and intersected together to form a mirrorApr 24, 202312Apr 24, 202312